5 Unique Ways to Apply Conversion Centered Design in Your Organization

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5 Unique Ways to Apply Conversion Centered Design in Your Organization

As organization leaders, understanding design concepts used at other layers of your organization can give you advantage and leverage within your market and within your own organization. For your organization, this might mean looking to design, marketing, operations, or within leadership for unique perspectives and strategies that can help you better understand how your organization can best convert leads into customers, clients, or subscribers.

Here we’re exploring five interesting ways we find organizations can apply conversion-centered design, a key concept in graphics and website design, in your organization.

When considering a conversion-centered design strategy, it’s important to understand the customer journey and know exactly who your customers and prospective leads are. Selecting a design that’s tailored to their specific needs, preferences, and goals will help you better convert them into customers, clients, or subscribers.

What is Conversion Centered Design?

Conversion Centered Design (CCD) is an approach to design that focuses on the customer journey when creating a website or product. It focuses on how potential customers interact with elements on a page or app, as well as how these interactions are converted into sales. CCD involves optimizing user experience, content, and visuals for maximum conversion rate.

As a framework, conversion centered design is used by digital marketing agencies to create successful high-converting marketing campaigns. It looks at the customer journey from start to finish and considers all factors that may influence a customer to convert.

Applying CCD in Your Organization

Engage Your Audience with Value-Based Content

Content, as a part of your content marketing plan, should be designed with your audience in mind and be tailored to their specific needs and interests. Provide value through the content you’re creating: make sure it is helpful, informative, entertaining, and engaging. Use analytics data to understand what type of content resonates most with your customers, more effectively personalizing the experience for them.

A/B Test Your Calls To Action

Using A/B testing can help you find out which calls-to-action convert better than others across different audience segments. You can experiment different color palettes, copywriting styles and layouts to find what works best for your organization. There are many Plugins for A B Testing in WordPress, if that’s your current platform, then A/B testing should be pretty easy to setup.

Maximize Touch Points

By understanding your organization’s unique customer journey and knowing where touch points can be made, you can maximize touch points to increase conversions. Look for opportunities throughout the customers’ journey where they may have a chance to interact with your brand and influence their decision-making process. These touchpoints may include email campaigns, CTAs on social media, or even a chatbot on your website.

Prioritize Simplicity & Clarity

Clarity is essential in any design, especially when it comes to a conversion centered design. Your goal should be to clearly communicate the message and value that your product or service provides. Make sure that all of the elements on your website are easy to understand and navigate, as this will help customers make quick decisions and convert more easily.

Data-driven Usability Improvements

An effective Conversion Centered Design should prioritize usability and user experience above all else; ensuring users have an intuitive and enjoyable journey through their experience on your website will make them more likely to complete the desired action or purchase a product or service from you. Data analytics and user testing can help you understand what elements of your design are working well, where there might be room for improvement, and which elements need to be changed or removed.

Final word on Applying Conversion Centered Design in Your Organization

The tips above provide tangible and actionable ways to use Conversion Centered Design in your organization. By understanding the customer journey and using data driven insights, you can create designs and content that help to engage visitors with the message of your organization and convert them into customers, clients or subscribers more easily.

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About the Author

Katrina Pfitzner

Katrina Pfitzner

Katrina is a developer, designer, author, and thought leader on topics including Design. For more from Katrina, find her on twitter and follow her on medium.

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Julie Enonmi

Julie Enonmi

Julie Enonmi is an expert in Digital Marketing.

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