
Some images are not visible after the latest Cornerstone and X Theme updates

BIG linden / Support Docs / Some images are not visible after the latest Cornerstone and X Theme updates



In Cornerstone, my background images (and any images alone in a section/column) aren’t working or have disappeared. How can I make sure my images are showing up on my website again?


The client has reported an issue with Cornerstone builder for WordPress regarding the newly updated sections on their site where (on the front-end) the builder is hiding section separators, backgrounds, and for some sections not displaying any backgrounds or images. The result is that images have disappeared on pages built with Cornerstone when using X Theme.

The issue also applies to certain sections containing only images.

Some images are not visible after the latest Cornerstone and X Theme updates

We are working with Cornerstone and X Theme to patch this issue in a coming update release, but until then, we suggest clients and teams can either adjust the z-index value of individual sections to a number higher than 1 or use temporary global CSS that targets any element with an x-section class containing any class containing “el,” which will ensure that the background images display correctly.

To resolve missing and disappeared images inside Cornerstone builder:

If you want your background images to show up again, make sure that the z-index value for the sections or rows is greater than 1. You can easily do this by adjusting the value of the section in question to 2. If you have a lot of sections using v2 advanced backgrounds throughout your site, it may be better to choose another approach.

Alternative global fix:

If you have too many section across your website using the advanced backgrounds, or you wish to leave their z-index untouched for right now since it will be patched soon, you can add the following custom CSS in a global location for your website (either in a child theme or the builder’s global CSS editor):

.x-section[class*="el"] {
z-index: 1;

What themes or builders does this bug impact?

This bug affects WordPress users who are using the Cornerstone builder in combination with X Theme. No other themes or builders are impacted by this issue at this point in time.

What is the issue or bug that users are experiencing?

After the most recent Cornerstone update, users have reported that their background images and any images alone in sections/columns are not appearing on the front-end of their sites. The result is that backgrounds may be hidden or no images may show up at all after the update.

When will this bug be resolved?

Cornerstone and X Theme are currently working on a patch for this issue that should arrive in an update release soon.

What issues may arise if I don’t fix the bug?

If this issue is not resolved, users will be left with pages across your website that appear to have missing or hidden background images, leading to a poor user experience on their website. This could lead to potential visitors leaving the site with the impression you may be going out of business or are no longer maintaining your website. Much like a poorly maintained establishment, potential customers strongly judge a business by the façade, and online, that façade is definitely your website.

We strongly encourage any business to maintain their website and to stay on top of bugs like this. If you continue to experience issues with Cornerstone or X Theme, then perhaps it may not be a good fit for your business and your website, and another builder or platform may be more appropriate for you.

Additional reading

None at this time.

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