Topic: Security

May 4, 2024
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Todays Security articles

Security WordPress

March 3, 2022

Brute force attacks are a serious threat to WordPress websites, as they allow hackers to gain access using automated programs to guess passwords, with the aim of getting access to your site and its data. Taking precautions like choosing strong passwords, using two-factor authentication, limiting login attempts and keeping WordPress updated can help protect you from these types of attacks. It is important that business owners, team leaders, and organizations of any size take steps to secure their website and protect against potential attacks.
WordPress security updates - what happens if a wordpress website is not maintained

Security WordPress

July 7, 2020

It is essential to keep your WordPress website up-to-date. Failing to update your software exposes it to security vulnerabilities, putting critical data and hosted files at risk of being hacked. Attackers can use the vulnerability in order gain access and exploit confidential information, often using accounts for illegal activities. The cost of recovering a hacked or ransomwared website is much higher than maintaining it regularly with updates. Keeping your website’s software updated will protect against potential damage that could be caused by malicious actors on the web.
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