Benefits Of Using WordPress Multilingual Plugins

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Benefits Of Using WordPress Multilingual Plugins

Today, we’re discussing the use of multi-language plugins for WordPress to expand reach.

There are various benefits of using a multi-lingual WordPress plugin for websites that need to accommodate multiple languages, some more apparent than other.

A multilingual website is one that offers content in more than one language, typically for the purpose of reaching a larger audience. Google tries to recognize a page’s language, so it can be important to stick with only one per page and avoid side-by-side translations.

We’re going to bring insight to how your organization can use these plugins can make it easier and more efficient to manage a website with multiple languages, as well as the advantages that come with having a site in multiple languages. Plus, we’ll touch on a few of the most popular multilanguage plugins available for WordPress.

Let’s learn about multi-lingual WordPress plugins and how to choose the right one for your organization’s website.

What is a Multilingual WordPress Plugin?

A multi-lingual WordPress plugin is a tool that allows you to translate your entire WordPress website into multiple languages.

Enabling this kind of functionality is easy, using one of the many plugins available, both free and paid, with varying features such as language switching and automatic translation of comments. Choosing the right plugin depends on your organization’s needs and budget.

Advantages of using Multi-lingual WordPress Plugins

Today, we’re seeing a growing trend in American and international organizations that are using multilingual WordPress plugins to create multi-lingual websites.

Connecting with your audience is critical. If your audience speaks any language besides English, you may have a problem.

“We expect that needs will change and evolve as we recover from this pandemic and are hoping to find the resources to continue to support underserved immigrant communities in the coming years.” explains May Wang, professor at the Fielding School UCLA.

Wang worked with the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health and the Asian American Studies Center to develop her organization’s resource in over 40 languages.

“Los Angeles is home to a critical mass of many non–English-speaking communities, including Asian and Pacific Islander.” said Karen Umemoto, holder of the Helen and Morgan Chu Chair and Director of the Asian American Studies Center at UCLA.

As explained by the team, multi-lingual websites are just the first stem to “ensure that the translation correctly communicates the message in a culturally relevant manner”.

Best Practices for Multi-Lingual Websites

Agencies must ensure that their digital communications address the users’ language preferences, and translations completed by software should be reviewed by a qualified professional to ensure it correctly communicates the message in a culturally relevant manner.

All language versions should provide comparable user experiences across all languages on their websites and enable users to toggle between content or features easily. Agencies should also integrate their multilingual website initiatives with other internal operations, as well as develop targeted marketing and outreach programs for them.

Best options for multi-lingual WordPress

Many multi-lingual WordPress plugins are available, each with its own features, including both free and paid versions with varying levels of features.

Multi-lingual WordPress plugins are a great way to make your website accessible in multiple languages. Popular choices include WPML, Polylang, and qTranslate X which offer several features such as automatic detection of user language, customizable language switchers, and SEO-friendly URLs.

There’s no doubt, multilingual websites are the new norm

Multi-language plugins and services for WordPress can be used to expand reach and accommodate multiple languages. These tools provide benefits such as improved user experience, increased visibility on search engines, better SEO optimization and more efficient management of multilingual websites.

Using a multi-language WordPress plugin is an effective way to make your website available in multiple languages and reach a wider audience.

If you’re considering introducing new translations to reach new audiences with your website, we’d love to hear from you. Our WordPress development team has extensive experience working with multi-language plugins and developing language-agnostic websites that work for everyone globally.

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About the Author

Katrina Pfitzner

Katrina Pfitzner

Katrina is a developer, designer, author, and thought leader on topics including WordPress. For more from Katrina, find her on twitter and follow her on medium.

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Katrina Pfitzner

Katrina Pfitzner

Katrina is a developer, designer, author, and thought leader.

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