Why big brands are leaving Sitecore

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Why big brands are leaving Sitecore

For teams managing complex digital experiences, Sitecore is a staple. Sitecore, for many global organizations, is a leading tool for powering websites and omnichannel strategies. Yet, recently, a startling trend has begun to surface – numerous big brands are waving Sitecore goodbye, opting instead for more streamlined, user-friendly alternatives.

This departure from Sitecore is neither abrupt nor random.

Instead, it signifies a pivotal shift within the industry, underlining inherent issues that companies face when trying to harness Sitecore’s extensive capabilities.

Explore this trend, and learn why once loyal patrons are seeking solace in other platforms. Whether you’re a tech enthusiast, a digital strategist or a business leader grappling with your own Sitecore challenges, expect invaluable insights.

The departure from Sitecore

What has led these powerhouse brands to reconsider Sitecore? Perhaps it is a tangle of several key issues – based primarily the complexity of the system, problems with performance, and the cumulative effect of challenges faced over time. A compounding, ticking timebomb of tech-baggage, stuffed in the closet, and hidden away.

The Complexity of Sitecore

From the outset, Sitecore presented a sophisticated, fully-featured system. It promised a one-stop solution for brands to manage their digital experiences. But over time, the level of complexity that came with Sitecore started posing formidable challenges. Users found themselves grappling with a steep learning curve that demanded considerable time and technical prowess to surmount.

An example that stands out is that of a large brand whose marketing team found itself spending excessive amounts of time understanding and managing Sitecore, rather than focusing on their core work of developing marketing strategies and campaigns. Comparatively, systems like WordPress, which focus on a user-friendly interface, appear less daunting and more manageable.

Issues with Sitecore’s Performance

Then there’s the subject of performance. With its gamut of features, Sitecore set expectations high. But users have increasingly noted instances where it hasn’t lived up to these lofty promises.

Complaints range from slow loading times, to glitches in content management, SXA sites not loading at all, – obstacles that significantly disrupt work and cause costly delays.

Our Sitecore team is reporting issues from clients with higher frequency and for more complicated resolutions, as well. Digital teams are encountering frequent issues with system speed during peak traffic times.

Performance anxieties like these can rapidly erode client confidence and loyalty.

The Accumulation of Challenges

Beyond complexity and performance issues, brands find themselves battling a myriad of smaller, yet cumulatively significant challenges with Sitecore. These range from higher costs compared to competitors to concerns over a lack of prompt customer service.

The multitude of these issues has created a tipping point, where the disadvantages appear to outweigh the benefits. Brands find themselves faced with a choice – persist with the daunting intricacies and continuous performance issues of Sitecore or explore simpler, more reliable alternatives?

Thus, it isn’t one singular factor that’s causing brands to abandon Sitecore. Rather, it’s the combined weight of a series of challenges that have nudged big brands towards looking for other options and finding out what it takes to move their data out of Sitecore safely and securely. This shift in preference signals a larger trend in the industry where user-friendliness and reliability are beginning to trump feature-heaviness.

What’s next after Sitecore?

As big brands bid adieu to Sitecore, a door has opened wide for alternative platforms to shine.

Given the circumstances, several digital experience platforms have swiftly stepped up, gaining the favor of ex-Sitecore users with their simplicity, performance, and customer-friendly attributes.

WordPress stands as a powerful contender

With its simplicity and intuitive interface, WordPress has remained a trusted platform for website creation and content management for years.

Unlike Sitecore, WordPress does not overwhelm its users with excessive complexity. Even non-technical users can comfortably navigate and manage their content in-house. When you compare Sitecore vs WordPress, it’s pretty obvious that the savings of WordPress, mixed with it’s simplicity for building complex architecture, makes it a clear contender.

“WordPress has really become the go-to platform for many organizations” explains Matt Blalock, WordPress engineer and digital media consultant. “It may have been a simple blog platform once upon a time, but today, it is a full-blown platform.”

‘Adobe Experience Manager has joined the room’

Another rising star in the content management space is Adobe Experience Manager. Many companies have turned to AEM for its unified and flexible environment that promotes seamless content management and digital marketing.

Brands appreciate its holistic view of the customer journey across various touchpoints, which Sitecore struggles to provide. But, in some ways like Sitecore, many big brands using AEM have recently begun leaving the platform.

Hubspot CMS offers users more

HubSpot CMS, another powerful alternative, is winning hearts with its all-in-one marketing, sales, service, and CRM platform. Its clean interface and robust analytical capabilities give companies valuable insights into customer behavior and allow personalized marketing strategies that increase lead generation and customer satisfaction.

Drupal is still an option

Lastly, we can’t ignore Drupal, an open-source platform known for its robust functionality and scalability. Its extensive community of developers continually work on updates and security enhancements, ensuring that it remains current and secure.

Its flexibility in content presentation makes it a strong rival to Sitecore.

What’s next for your organization

These platforms have emerged as compelling alternatives primarily because they address the primary complaints users had with Sitecore – complexity, performance, and a pile-up of issues that affected productivity. They’re simpler to use, offer a smoother experience, and perhaps most importantly, they make the task of managing digital content less daunting for users. As companies look for stability and efficiency in their digital operations, these alternatives continue to gain momentum.

Will you make the switch from Sitecore to WordPress for your organization’s website? As you plan your website migration, the ultimate choice, however, boils down to a company’s individual needs and resources. Each of these platforms comes with its own set of advantages and trade-offs, requiring careful evaluation before making the switch. But given the current trend, it seems clear that many are finding these alternatives offer a more rewarding experience than their former commitment to Sitecore.

“The shifting landscape reflects the need for a user-centric approach to digital experience management” offers one digital consultant. “As big brands explore these alternatives, the question to ask isn’t why they are leaving Sitecore, but what Sitecore could do to stem the tide.”

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About the Author

Katrina Pfitzner

Katrina Pfitzner

Katrina is a developer, designer, author, and thought leader on topics including Sitecore and Website Migration. For more from Katrina, find her on twitter and follow her on medium.

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Madison R. Hawthorne

Madison R. Hawthorne

Madison R. Hawthorne is a distinguished thought leader in the intersection of technology, cybersecurity, and corporate strategy. Hawthorne has led cybersecurity initiatives for multiple of the Fortune 100.

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